Muslim Archives - Muslim Voice for Peace

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  • Join our MVP Dawah Course to the 3 Holy Cities this Ramadan!
    Better Muslim

    Join our MVP Dawah Course to the 3 Holy Cities this Ramadan!

    Dr Bilal Philips, Sheikh Assim Alhakeem, Sh Othman Ibn Farooq and Journalist Lauren Booth! The purpose is to equip youth with Islamic knowledge that will enable them to become inspirational Muslim leaders. Inshallah, this will be a life-changing turning point in your spiritual journey as you are immersed in a dynamic Islamic program, following in

  • Srebrenica women recognised for highlighting 1995 genocide

    Srebrenica women recognised for highlighting 1995 genocide

    More than 8,000 men and boys from the Bosniak ethnic group perished in 10 days of slaughter by Bosnian Serb forces. They were the ones who lived in a world in which their husbands, sons, brothers, uncles and nephews were massacred. They were the ones who fought to make sure that the world would neither

    Better Muslim


    Are we prepared to take ownership of our own future through leadership or are we going to allow others to take ownership of our future? Join us to discuss what it takes to be an effective leader. SERVANT LEADERSHIP FOR THE 21ST CENTURY   on Saturday 20th, Feb 2021 at 3.15pm to 5 pm GMT

  • Pressure Builds to Ban Plastic Bags in Stores
    Better Muslim

    Pressure Builds to Ban Plastic Bags in Stores

    When I first became aware that I was a Muslim (one who seeks submission to God), I began faithfully studying the Quran and Islam. I was really quite surprised to find these verses in the second chapter of the Quran. “And of the people is he whose speech pleases you in worldly life, and he

  • Worldwide Fast Month
    Better Muslim

    Worldwide Fast Month

    Dear Friends, We at Muslim Voice for Peace & Reconciliation would like to invite our Jewish and Christian friends and peoples of other faiths to join with our Muslim brothers and sisters during the month of Ramadan (24 April to 24 May). During this time we will fast and pray from sunrise to sunset. Let

  • No Christmas for Gaza Christians

    No Christmas for Gaza Christians

    Data collected in recent years confirm the steady increase in the number of pilgrims and tourists who come from around the world to Jerusalem and Bethlehem to visit the Holy Places, especially during the December holiday season. But this year, among the many who will celebrate the Christmas holidays where Christ is said to have

  • India’s Citizenship Amendment Act discriminates

    India’s Citizenship Amendment Act discriminates

      India’s Citizenship Amendment Act discriminates say Muslims Activisits protesting India’s Citizenship Amendment Act have been injured across India by police who have used tear gas and baton charges to disperse demonstrators at universities and other public places. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government says the new law will save religious minorities, such as Hindus and

  • Afghan war was built on a mountain of lies

    Afghan war was built on a mountain of lies

    Afghan war was built on a mountain of lies says Sojourners Magazine and The Washington Post “Though the threat of terrorism is very real, and none of us will ever forget where we were on 9/11, the ongoing threat to Americans from terrorists in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and elsewhere has indeed been consistently leveraged to

  • The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall

    On this day November 9 we at MVPR will celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall! Two years ago our MVPR volunteer Usama Iqbal took me on a one-kilometer tour of what’s left of that infamous baracade that separated families and friends for nearly three decades. I first walked along the wall as a 19-year-old

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