World Peace Archives - Muslim Voice for Peace

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  • Join our MVP Dawah Course to the 3 Holy Cities this Ramadan!
    Better Muslim

    Join our MVP Dawah Course to the 3 Holy Cities this Ramadan!

    Dr Bilal Philips, Sheikh Assim Alhakeem, Sh Othman Ibn Farooq and Journalist Lauren Booth! The purpose is to equip youth with Islamic knowledge that will enable them to become inspirational Muslim leaders. Inshallah, this will be a life-changing turning point in your spiritual journey as you are immersed in a dynamic Islamic program, following in

  • Why Modi doesn’t want India to watch BBC film on Gujarat carnage

    Why Modi doesn’t want India to watch BBC film on Gujarat carnage

    The Indian government’s decision to ban a BBC documentary about Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s role in the 2002 Gujarat riots, which left more than a thousand people (mostly Muslims) dead. Here’s the story. India has used emergency powers to block airing of the documentary that questions PM Narendra Modi’s role in the 2002 riots. India’s

  • Srebrenica women recognised for highlighting 1995 genocide

    Srebrenica women recognised for highlighting 1995 genocide

    More than 8,000 men and boys from the Bosniak ethnic group perished in 10 days of slaughter by Bosnian Serb forces. They were the ones who lived in a world in which their husbands, sons, brothers, uncles and nephews were massacred. They were the ones who fought to make sure that the world would neither

  • US terrorism remembered

    US terrorism remembered

      Today, Dr. Imad Enchassi took MVPR founder Samuel Shropshire and Abdulraheem Awad on a tour of the Oklahoma City National Memorial. Enchassi is the imam of the Islamic Center of Greater Oklahoma City and is a leader of inter-faith peace activities We all remember the Oklahoma City bombing! It was a domestic terrorist truck

  • This New Canadian Holiday Reflects On The Legacy Of Indigenous Residential Schools

    This New Canadian Holiday Reflects On The Legacy Of Indigenous Residential Schools

    Thursday was Canada’s first-ever National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The new statutory holiday commemorates the victims and survivors of Indigenous residential schools. It was created through parliamentary legislation this spring and codified in June — around the time when hundreds of Indigenous children’s remains were found in unmarked graves at several such sites. We

  • Prominent Rohingya leader shot dead in Bangladesh refugee camp

    Prominent Rohingya leader shot dead in Bangladesh refugee camp

    Rights groups call for urgent investigation after Mohibullah shot dead outside his office. A prominent Rohingya Muslim leader has been shot dead in a refugee camp in southern Bangladesh. Mohibullah, who was in his late 40s, led one of the largest of several community groups to emerge since more than 730,000 mostly Muslim Rohingya fled

  • Suicide attack rocks Indonesia church, several wounded

    Suicide attack rocks Indonesia church, several wounded

    Muslim Voice for Peace & Reconciliation stands in solidarity with the Christians of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral in Makassar, Indonesia. May all who contributed to this heinous terrorist attack be brought swiftly to justice.Samuel Shropshire MVPR Founder/Director 28 Mar 2021 Two suicide bombers detonated explosives outside a Catholic church in the Indonesian city

    Better Muslim


    Are we prepared to take ownership of our own future through leadership or are we going to allow others to take ownership of our future? Join us to discuss what it takes to be an effective leader. SERVANT LEADERSHIP FOR THE 21ST CENTURY   on Saturday 20th, Feb 2021 at 3.15pm to 5 pm GMT

  • Pressure Builds to Ban Plastic Bags in Stores
    Better Muslim

    Pressure Builds to Ban Plastic Bags in Stores

    When I first became aware that I was a Muslim (one who seeks submission to God), I began faithfully studying the Quran and Islam. I was really quite surprised to find these verses in the second chapter of the Quran. “And of the people is he whose speech pleases you in worldly life, and he

  • Myanmar soldiers confess to Rohingya massacre: ‘Shoot all that you see’

    Myanmar soldiers confess to Rohingya massacre: ‘Shoot all that you see’

    The testimony marks the first time members of Myanmar’s military have admitted to what the U.N. and international prosecutors call a genocidal campaign against the Rohingya. By Dan De Luce and Christine Romo The “clearance operation” began at 3 a.m. in western Myanmar, the soldier says. The colonel in charge told the troops in Myanmar’s 565th

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