MVPR summer peace mission to North America - Muslim Voice for Peace

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Better Muslim Islam Peacemaking Religious Reconciliation

MVPR summer peace mission to North America


MVPR founders Samuel Shropshire and Isa Alhaj Hussein will never forget all who stood with them and supported them during the past 4 months of their recent MVPR North American Peace Mission. “Your awesome kindness and help,” says Samuel, “inspired us and the entire MVPR team to keep on going, even through major car breakdowns, sickness and other formidable challenges, not the least being safely conducting an international program during this time of pandemic.” Shropshire, who is 73, said his team was checked constantly throughout the mission to make sure the Pfizer vaccinations were working. “This loathsome pandemic has closed many borders,” he said, “requiring our team to have several PCR tests to prove that the Pfizer vaccinations were working.”

The MVPR team drove through 28 states and Ontario non-stop for 4 months, speaking as many as 5 times a day!

Shropshire expresses his appreciation to all who assisted in carrying out this demanding project. “May God bless and reward you all,” he says. He points out that special credit goes to Issam Lagrichi, Jassim Ahmed, Mahmoud Alagha and Taj Hussein. He said that these men gave abundantly of their time, energy and positive spirits.

Among the more than 300 meetings and appointments held was this video production made at the Deen Show studio in Chicago. (Appreciation also to Ali Alzahrani for his Arabic subtitling of this long video!)

InshaAllah, Samuel and Jesus will move from Jeddah to Washington, DC, in December to begin establishing the MVPR international headquarters on Capitol Hill, nearby the US Congress. It is their vision that this collaborative effort and future MVPR Islamic peace center will assist in bringing about badly needed political changes that will benefit all mankind by reducing bigotry and hatred and leading to a significant reduction in wars and international conflicts.


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